Music from the artists, the Fump, and Mevio. Â Theme song from Dan at Idiosyncratic Transmissions the podcast is a proud member of the Association of Music Podcasting. Gypsy Dreams – Disco Funk ALBEDO – Galileo Avishkaar – Kabse Dil…
Music provided by the artists, CyberPR, Mevio, Jamendo, and the FuMP. Â Theme song from Dan at Idiosyncratic Transmissions is a member of the Association of Podcasting. Â For more independent music podcasts check Hailer – Cold Outside Jazz Friends…
Music provided by the artists, Mevio, Jamendo, and CyberPR. Â Theme song from Dan at Idiosyncratic Transmissions is a member of the Association of Music Podcasting. Â For more independent music podcasts check out Randy Taylor Weber – Rock the…
This week’s music provided by the artists, the FuMP, Mevio, and Jamendo.  Theme song from Dan at Idiosyncratic Transmissions is a proud member of the Association of Music Podcasting.  For more great podcasts check out The Yetis – Warm…
Music from Mevio, Jamendo, and the artists. Â Theme song from Dan at Idiosyncratic Transmissions is a proud member of the Association of Music Podcasting. The Freak Fandango Orchestra – Mundo Canibal Egon – Lazy Lovers Hunter & Wolfe –…