Following up on the lyric video that I shared a week or two ago Kopecky has returned with the official video for “Quarterback” from the upcoming Drug For the Modern Age due out on May 19th.
This video for The Teen Age’s new single, “Low Cunning,” features pizza, beer, and unexplained contusions and bruising. Just another Saturday night for some bands.
We’re back with a little musical bliss for you Wednesday morning. We have the dream pop of The Secret Storm, the electronic beats of Ten Walls, and the rock of Brontosaurusmusic.
Yes the video/song title is referencing the book and the Orwellian concepts within. The fuzzed out music just adds to the creepiness of everyday life as recorded through surveillance video cameras.
Today we have a fairly eclectic mix. New music from James Gardin, the birdman rallies, and Chui Wan.