First up the harmonies of Jus Post Bellum with “Gimme That Gun” from the album Oh July that is due out on November 12th. Next is Jared Bartman with “Garden Gate” from Misery Makes Strange Bedfellows which due out this fall.  Jared…
Vampire Weekend has released their first single off of their upcoming ‘Modern Vampires of the City’ which releases on May 7th. Â You can preview the songs here. Â My thoughts, while I’m not all that enthused by ‘Diane Young’ I really…
I present to you the surrealistic vision of ‘Birdhouse In Your Soul’ by They Might Be Giants. Â Like many in my generation my introduction to TMBG was through Tiny Toons animations for ‘Particle Man’ and ‘Istanbul, Not Constantinople.’ Â Somehow I…
The group behind the Humble Bundle indie games that support charity are back, but this time they are branching out into music. Â Some good stuff here including Jonathan Coulton, They Might Be Giants, OK Go, and others. Â Get good indie…
“At midnight on September 11, 2001, They Might Be Giants officially released their album Mink Car and launched the celebration with a party at a Manhattan Tower Records. We all know what happened the next morning. “ Mink Car Cover…